Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Introduction key
·      State intentions
·      Introduce two texts
·      Separate different topics
·      Introduce theroies I will use

With reference to “Million Dolla Baby” and “Domino”, to what extent are Hollywood representations stereotyped?

In my research investigation I will be exploring the representations of women in the Hollywood films “Million Dolla Baby” and “Dominos” and will discuss if these are accurate stereotypes in society. The theories I will look at are: the male gaze, uses of gratification and feminism. My aims are to discuss, Do females have stereotypical gender roles, Are females takeing on masculin roles and Are females being objectified.

Aim 1: do females have stereotypical gender roles?

In a lot of mainstream films use stereotypical gender roles, so that the audience can quickly identify what role a character as in the film. the stereotypical roles for a women are that they are domesticated, this means the roles that they usually play are Housewives or mothers, they are often objectified as well.   a lot of the roles that women play in mainstream txts are to serve male characters, they are often waitress, or secretary. in the film Million Dolla Baby

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Narrative Theorys

Vladimir Propps

His theory is based along the lines of old fairy tales, he thinks that texts use the same characters.

>The villain — struggles against the hero.
>The dispatcher — character who makes the lack known and sends the hero off.
>The (magical) helper — helps the hero in their quest.
>The princess or prize and her father — the hero deserves her throughout the story but is unable to marry her because of an unfair evil, usually because of the villain. 
>The hero's journey is often ended when he marries the princess, thereby beating the villain.
>The donor — prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object.
>The hero or victim/seeker hero — reacts to the donor, weds the princess.
>The false hero — takes credit for the hero’s actions or tries to marry the princess

Levi Strauss

His theory is based on binary opposition, this means that the narratives have to have opposites in it.

> good and evil
> old and young
> light and dark ect..

Tzvetan Todorov

His theory was that the media text has 5 stages of equilibrium 

1. A state of equilibrium as an outset
2. Disruption of equilibrium 
3. A recognition of the disruption
4. An attempt to repair the disruption
5. A reinstatement of the equilibrium

Uses of Gratification

Personal identity: 
> finding a reinforcement for personal values
>finding models of behaviour
>gaining insite in two ones self
>identifying with values already gained

>finding out about relevent events and conditions in immediate surroundings, society and the world
> seek advice on particular matters or opinions and decisions
> satisfying curiosity or general intrest
> self educating, gaining a sense of security through  knowlage

> escaping or being diverted from problems
> relaxing
> getting intrinsic cultures or aesthetic enjoyment
> filling time
> emotional release
> sexual release

Integration and social integration:
> gaining insite in to circumstances of others, social empathy
> identifying with other and gaining a sense of belonging
> finding a basis for conversations and social integration
> having a substitute for real life and companionship
> helping to carry out social roles
> enabling one  to connect with family friends and society.

The conventions of a sports genre

> contains sporting event
> contains sporting narrative
> disruption
> equilibrium
> resolution
> failure
> relationships between characters grow stronger.

most of these apply to Million Dolla Baby
> the sporting event is Boxing
>the main Narrative is about training and competing
> the disruption is clint eastwoods actions
> the Equilibrium is in the end when she cant box anymore and dies
> the resolution to the problems are Clint Eastwood teaching her how to Box
> her failure is when she breaks her neck and cant compete anymore
> Hillery Swank and Clint Eastwoods characters become closer, almost like farther an daughter.

opening paragraph for investigation

In this Investigation, I will be analysing how my chosen two films, 'Domino and Million Dolla Baby' show the representation of women, and if they are stereotyped.