Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Most media texts target a wide range of audiences 'how true is this to your chosen text'.

Lost is a mainstream text this means the director JJ Abrams target a wide rainge of audiences both passive and active.

A narrative device that is used in lost is enigma codes. An enigma code controls what the audience sees and knows, this device is used to keep the audience hooked as some information is kept from then. An example of this is when they see a polar bear. Kate says "guys this isn't gust a bear,its a polar bear." then boon says that can't be a polar bear" and the rest say back to him its a polar bear. the is creating an enigma code because they are in a jungle and polar bears live in the north pole.
the uses of enigma codes keeps the audience hooked because they want to know what is happening which means that they will keep watching to find out.

Another narrative convention that lost uses is the use of a score. score is music that has been specially written to accompany the text to help the audience to

another convention that lost uses to appeal to a mainstream audience is the use of an ensemble cast. this is when the cast has a wide variation in there age, race, gender and nationality.
an example of this is when they find our

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